Tutorials — Let’s claim your $MELOS tokens!

Here’s what early investors need to know about the vesting period and how to claim outstanding MELOS tokens purchased during private sales rounds.




$MELOS TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS ON Ethereum: 0x1afb69dbc9f54d08dab1bd3436f8da1af819e647

$MELOS TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS ON BNB Smart Chain: 0x3CC194Cb21E3B9d86dD516b4d870B82fAfb4C02E

(Your $Melos token on Ethereum can be cross-chain to BNB smart chain via Celer cBridge.)

Step 1: https://ts.melos.studio/ and connect your wallet (Make sure you are using the real website and the contract is 0x98db847ed84ef8bd6e5c4f593fe0341869fc41cc

Step 2: Claim your token in the vesting contract

Step 3: Confirm the “Withdraw” function on Metamask (Required a GAS fee base on the current gas price)

Step 4: Success, and you can check your $MELOS token in the wallet.

Any issue related to the vesting contract please email info@melos.studio or contact Melos Discord (https://discord.gg/melos)

Today, March 17, 2022, begins the vesting period for MELOS tokens purchased during the seed and private rounds.

$MELOS TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS ON Ethereum: 0x1afb69dbc9f54d08dab1bd3436f8da1af819e647



(Your $Melos token on Ethereum can be cross-chain to BNB smart chain via Celer cBridge.)

Important: MELOS token vesting will take place on the same address in Ethereum network where you received your unlocked tokens following the end of the token sale.


You’ll need to interact with the contract to claim your MELOS tokens. We highly recommend you use Metamask and the latest version of the Chrome browser to do that.

Vesting address

Vesting contract for Tokensoft public sales buyers:


Check your total vesting balance & available (vested) balance

Check the notes in the picture — where you can insert your ETH address to look up.

getWithdrawableAmount -> This number starts at zero and will increase with every block as tokens become vested according to the vesting schedule. You might want to double check that the current available amount is worth claiming at the time due to Ethereum fees.

*: Important note: uint256 numbers here are displayed in gwei format, and therefore appear a lot bigger than your actual token numbers. You can click on the number (it’s clickable) and Etherscan will take you to a unit conversion page. Your actual number of tokens can be found on the Ether row:

Token claiming are only available on $Melos vesting contract on Ethereum.

The guide is written in the testnet, but the steps are same to the way we claim it on the ETH mainnet.

Connect your wallet to Etherscan

Click on the Write Contract button and you’ll see a Connect to Web3 button appear. Click it, then select your wallet with the same address where you received your initial tokens. If you’re using Metamask, you should see a popup with a confirmation request. Allow Etherscan to connect to your wallet.

Make sure your wallet is connected

After you allow the connection, the button will turn green and the text will now read Connected, followed by your address. If the button doesn’t change immediately, you might need to reload the page.

Claim your vested balance

If you’re happy that the amount you can claim at the time is worth the Ethereum fees, simply select the Claim method and click the Write button.

A Metamask popup with a transaction confirmation request should appear. Simply accept the transaction and you’re done. The tokens should be transferred to your wallet and the same amount will be deducted from your available balance — you can check this by using the getWithdrawableAmount method as outlined above.

CAUTION: You can check the current Gwei price at etherscan.io/gastracker before you confirm the transaction to save your gas fee.

View your $MELOS balance on Metamask

Import the MELOS token address to your wallet using the token address below.



If you have any questions, please reach out to us via community or support email:

Telegram: https://t.me/melosstudiodao

Discord: https://discord.gg/melos

Support: support@melos.studio

Melos is a decentralized meta+music web3 collaboration platform for musicians and music creators backed by Binance Labs. It is also a pioneer within the decentralized creator economy, because Melos allows anyone to create music through its tools. The generated content can then be saved as NFTs and brought into circulation. Through the open re-creation of generated music NFTs, Melos functions as a social music platform, where music creators can collaborate, communicate, and co-produce.

Official website(dAPP):https://melos.studio

Twitter: https://twitter.com/melos_studio

Telegram: https://t.me/melosstudiodao

Telegram Announcement:https://t.me/Melos_StudioOfficial

Discord: https://discord.gg/melos

Medium: https://medium.com/melosstudio/intro/home


